5 limitations of a PPT
Apart from having a number of benefits, a Powerpoint lacks at some points from the perspective of a perfect multimedia-tool. No denying the ppt format is flexible allowing an easy procedure of changes in the content as and when required, it is presenter-friendly and describes the topic in an abridged manner, but a deep insight into it reveals a few shortcomings and limitations.
- Significant features of your business are wrapped in shortened sentences and in highlighted mode. Briefness is the approach and there are chances that some detailed and necessary information regarding your business that needs to be elaborated is missed.
- Since the presenter of a PPT follows its slides and goes through their sequence in a steadfast manner, you seldom have this opportunity to get the discussion beyond these slides. Matters in slides are read and discussed and before a question springs up in your mind, you are into the next slide.
- Presenters more often than not read the textual content straight from the slides and finish their tasks in a mechanized manner.
- Audiences have a tough time oscillating their attention between the presenters and the slides. Shifting attention repeatedly can affect their concentration-level big-time, making the whole exercise futile.
- A PPT is normally a dry piece of information where you cannot afford to insert creativity after a point. Normally, a collection of facts wrapped in a story can attract the attention of the audiences more than a PPT.
So while being an impactful media-format undoubtedly, a PPT has its limitations for sure. Understanding it’s application is the key for it’s optimise use.
Where to use PPT ?
Now after understanding it’s limitation let’s see where all places PPT works well as compare to other mode of presentation like Flash or video. It will help you decide which format of presentation is most suitable for you as per occasion, audience and intent.
- When time is less and you just have to highlight pointers
- When you have to leave the copy or email the presentation
- When you want to explain more on the basis of pointers given in PPT
- When audience have access of windows based platform only
- Where you need frequent changes in content in presentation
- Where file size is required to be less
- Where file format is required to be universal ( most of PCs are windows based and can run PowerPoint or PPT files having office software)
With that you should able to choose the presentation format most suitable for your need.