1. Short sentences with simpler words: Textual content at digital platforms become more attention-drawing when sentences are small and comprise simpler words. Smaller sentences are easy to grasp and comprehend and augur well for your aimed objective as far as your business is concerned. Multitude of ideas in one paragraph defeats your purpose. Present your business in small sentences and see the effect!
2. Appealing titles & sub-titles: A captivating headline or heading pulls the readers to your content by stirring an interest. If this great heading is followed by enchanting sub-headings all through, your audience remains involved in your article. Fascinating headings and sub-headings carve the space in readers’ minds.
3. Bullet Points: Facts packed in one-lines create direct connect to readers. Readers feel relaxed while reading points presented in bullets. They think points are small and easily comprehensible. Audience is always in hurry and that’s why they want to spend little time and gulp the gist of the topic in one go. And here Bullet Points come handy.
4. Headings with images: Complimenting your headings with images do wonders as far as pulling the readers to your topic is concerned. Images generally are stimulating and motivating and carry the meaning more than the textual matter. An image carrying the theme related to the type of your business you do is a great tool for you in digital space.
5. Emphasize crux with subtlety: Write the key-points of your business by emphasizing them in an unambiguous manner! You can make the texts bold or pitch in with other font-effects. If you have defined the core or the offer of the business at two-three places with suitable font-effects, audience is going to read them first and then develop the curiosity for the entire content. So, a subtle selection of places in the content is prudent.
Content is not good or bad, it may be effective or ineffective. Effective contents are ones which are more likely to extract intended results. Digital space today is stuffed with various kinds of contents, but not all of them are effective. If you tread with some focal points in your writing, results will be not far from you.