Productive Time Management
Every time you look at your phone, dozens of pings, notifications and alerts flood the screen. All of them seem urgent. All of them could be important.So we spend entire days, weeks, months approaching these conflicting demands without any specific prioritization.
The goal is to cut through all the distractions and only work on the core items that will actually move company forward.
How to determine what you should spend your time on
If you take nothing else from this article, remember this: Your life is not a grocery list. You shouldn't just seek to "check off" your to-do's and call it a day. Your day is not a collection of random tasks. Not everything on your plate holds equal importance — and that means many seemingly "urgent" items may need to fall by the wayside while you work on the small number of objectives that really matter. Once you really understand this concept at a core level, life gets a LOT simpler. More often than not, people confuse "motion" with progress and work on things that don't move the needle. They do things to make themselves "feel" productive and accomplished.
your main focus should be anything that makes money ( like project execution )or leads directly to making money( Getting new leads or customers).
That's it.
This might include things like:
- Doing client work
- Setting up meetings with potential customers
- Making cold calls, knocking on doors or sending inquiries via email
- Working your referral network of friends, family and colleagues to find people who need your products/services
- Creating content designed to attract your ideal customers
These are the HARD things. They are uncomfortable. They're not flashy. But they make money. And you don't need to do them a million times to start seeing results. There will be tons of other things that pop up in your day. Emails will flood in, distractions will arise and other objectives will creep onto your list of priorities. That's fine — add those things to the list. But never forget that you only have a limited amount of time each day to get things done. Focus on things that result in you getting paid.
For instance, yesterday I did a brain dump into my notebook and these were the objectives I came up with for the day:
- Work on book edits, for 3 hours uninterrupted
- Follow up with editors (5 different online publications)
- Get lunch with friend in town
- Email back tribe member
- Add widget back to the website
- Get Facebook ads sorted
- Plan out new product's shooting schedule with Rich20 team
It's tempting to write this list down and immediately start hacking away at it like a shopping list. But that's not the smartest approach. If I look at it, I can see that some items are money makers — so they need to come first. Others take more mental energy — they need to happen at the beginning of the day, while I'm fresh. Some are just things I want to do, but won't really move me forward, per se. Let's say I re-did the list based on what's actually important. The new list would look like this:
- Work on book edits, for 3 hours uninterrupted
- Plan out new product's shooting schedule with Rich20 team
- Get Facebook ads sorted
- Follow up with editors
- Get lunch with friend in town
- Email back tribe member
- Add widget back to the website
Notice now that the three things directly related to making income are now prioritized first, followed by the most intellectually challenging items, followed by the more rote tasks. Now, this list is set up so that even if I only finish HALF of the items, the most important things are taken care of. This is the level of prioritization that you should design your days with — so that even during an "off" day, you're still making progress. Once you've learned how to think about your day and determine which things are truly important, it's time to make your list of priorities even smaller.
Getting ruthless with your priorities by shrinking your list
Remember this: Simple to-do lists are powerful. Long to-do lists are DISEMPOWERING. Once you've prioritized your list according to what actually moves the needle, I want you to cut that list in half. Why? The reasons for this are both pragmatic and psychological. Using the to-do list from above, think about what's going on in the background. If I start with this list, and I am only able to work through about half (which is pretty typical any given day) it looks like this (bold means completed):
- Work on book edits, for 3 hours uninterrupted
- Plan out new product's shooting schedule with Rich20 team
- Get Facebook ads sorted
- Follow up with editors
- Get lunch with friend in town
- Email back tribe member
- Add widget back to the website
I got some major things done. That's solid work! But looking at this list in it's current state, I FEEL bad about my own progress. because I've done less than half of what I intended to accomplish for the day. Psychologically, this is defeating.
If I make long lists like this day after day and never finish, I'll always feel behind. I'll always feel unaccomplished. But what if we chopped this list in half? I feel SO much better about this list, even though it's the exact same one as before:
- Work on book edits, for 3 hours uninterrupted
- Plan out new product's shooting schedule with Rich20 team
- Get Facebook ads sorted
- Get lunch with friend in town
(Since I have to see my friend, I re-prioritized my list a second time.) This is a fully completed to-do list. This is a successful day. This is something I can build on. Now I know exactly what's on tap for tomorrow. And if I get to items 5-7 today, it actually feels like a BONUS, Think about it this way: whether you accomplish 3 out of 7 things of the day…or 3 out of 3….you're still completing the SAME amount of work — but one list leaves you feeling empty and dissatisfied, while the other leaves you confident and happy with your daily progress.