PPT Presentation structures & type of structures
Importance of Presentation Structures in PowerPoint Presentation structure is one of the important parts of PPT designing, yet many presenters simply…. ignore it. This blog will enlighten you on “how to structure” your presentation correctly, even if you are totally new to presentation Design You will be learning the following: What is the structure of […]
Read MoreHow to manage company by just spending one hour in a day
Founders One hour Pro Meeting Routine to Manage Your Company This One hour Pro Meeting Routine skill not only helps me systematically manage all my companies but also helped me open a new company in the US during the peak of the pandemic in the year 2021. Most business owners and founders drowned themselves to […]
Read MoreHow to find high paying work from home jobs online
The Ultimate Guide to 18 Best Work from Home Jobs that Pay Well in 2025 Given the COVID-19 pandemic, remote work became the norm today for many individuals, especially employees. Still, as they gradually return to the office, you may be thinking about whether working from home is the best option for your future. There […]
Read MoreCustomer-experience has leapt higher with the use of digital tools
Businesses across the spectrum are adopting digital tools increasingly to deliver customer-experiences of the highest scale. This churn in the market is palpable at every layer. Customers choose and desire for the digital management today. Research one after another has shown that digitally served customers are more satisfied than the ones who get services through […]
Read MoreTransformation is on in digital campaigns
Online-space has been replete with myriad types of campaigns for some time now. But the quality of these digital campaigns has been the core issue for brands, for sure. Everyone in the fray craves for apposite returns for their online advertisements and apposite returns need quality in those creative expressions. And further, that quality has […]
Read MoreShowToClients helps presentations achieve their true potential
Undeniably digital promotion has surged ahead of TV-advertising or promotion through any other medium these days. Marketing surely has got a palpable fillip in this digital milieu. But there is a flip side to it also. Various digital platforms are littered with unnecessary and redundant materials. Every platform is accommodating everything. True viewership and a […]
Read MoreDigitalization helps businesses serve customers in a more personalized way
Digital revolution has created fundamental churns in business-processes and industries across the spectrum. For consumers, it is a whole new world of facilities and smoothness in services. For service-providers, accessibility to consumers has become easier than ever. Service-seekers and service-providers, both have been benefitted with spontaneous interfaces, uninterrupted and continuous accessibility, real-time interaction and execution […]
Read More4 vital advantages at ShowToClients
Corporate presentations can have relevance only when they are viewed by the right audience. ShowToClients has emerged as the right online marketplace to have right audience for different corporate presentations. Certainty: The biggest hallmark of ShowToClients lies in its concept and identity. You know what you are going to get there. If you are clear […]
Read MoreA well knit team breeds the ambiance of trust for an organization
Building a team to execute business-tasks properly and timely is probably the most important aspect of running a smooth business. A well-knit team breeds the ambience of trust for the whole organization. The team-members, with a perfect bonding, hardly have the situations of variance and divergence of ideas which is so very nice for any organization […]
Read More4 common constituents of the culture of organizations
Every corporate bear a different culture which is distinctive and separates it from others in working. The very undercurrents of this uniqueness in culture provide an organization with ensuring cohesiveness and ethical values. But there surely exists a commonality among organizations in shaping this culture. 1. Vision: The culture of an organization or business has the […]
Read MoreTAT is an integral part of final customer-experience
A timely response to customers forms a pivotal part in the overall customer experience extended to them. Customers ask for a service, make a query or register a request with huge expectations from a company, underneath lies a hope to get the quickest of responses. What is TAT or turnaround Time? The average time […]
Read More4 easy ways to make your customers loyal
A satisfied customer begets thousands of prospective customers. Meeting customers’ demands may end with the delivery of the products or services they wanted, but meeting their expectations goes beyond that. In fact, meeting their expectations is a recurrent task which has to be handled at different levels and in a customized manner. There may be […]
Read More4 simple tips to stick around your vision
A vision is the most potent force underneath a business. Achievable dreams that keep you interested and enthused all through the course of a task can be defined as vision. When you start a business, you envision for yourself where do you want to see your organization after a specified period and then every plan […]
Read MoreDigital adaptations re-define HR
Digital revolution has spread to every part and branch of corporates and industries. An increased understanding has enabled us to use digital applications more and more meaningfully. HR-divisions of different organizations also have to adopt digital initiatives in entirety to have a certain fluidity and flow in the functions. HR-experts and professional would have to […]
Read MoreGoals are for you and the quality is for your clients
Target is a keyword in corporate-corridors. Everyone is scrambling to achieve targets. In fact, career-advancements or promotions are decided on the extent of target-accomplishments. But there is one more word which makes rounds there is Quality. You have got to achieve target and you can’t even in your remotest thoughts compromise on quality of your […]
Read MoreFreelancers provide your organization with a definite flexibility
Conditional work-force has always had a nice spread in corporate-corridors. Provisional employees for any organization signify an answer to contingency. These employees may be as talented and hard-working as their permanent counterparts, but their own choice of the status or circumstances make them freelancers. Different reports and reviews show that these freelancers today constitute 25-30% […]
Read MoreFirms trying to reinvent into being experience-businesses
Better customer-experience is one attribute which keeps your company ahead of others in the market. Innovative products or extremely useful services are alright, but it is this experience of customers while dealing with you and your company is what makes an indelible impression in their minds and carves a deep attachment in their hearts for […]
Read More5 tactics to improve customer experience
These days, businesses keep the excellent customer-experience in the core of their functions. A competent implementation of different strategies revolving around a supreme customer experience gives great results. The higher the satisfaction-level of your customers, the better the customer experience and this satisfaction of customers can be achieved by bringing some tactical elements into your […]
Read MoreBench-strength works in corporate-circles also
Bench-strength is a very popular term in sports where some players are kept in reserve to meet any unexpected challenge in the match. These bench-players are not at all any less skilled than the players playing the match. Corporates too these days keep a reserve of workforce, skilled in different fields, which gives them a […]
Read More4 qualities investors look for in a start-up before making any investment
It’s true that a simple idea transforms into a big, booming business, if executed effectively. But simultaneously it is also true that investors and Venture Capitalists make investments in people, not in ideas or other factors. Certainly, before reaching on any decision regarding investments in a start-up, they want to convince themselves that its founders […]
Read More3 pointers to gauge a start-up-entrepreneur’s progress
Start-ups come with challenges. Though today’s landscape is far more conducive than ever before, yet the innate character of a start-up is made up of different risks. Sometimes you feel you are going strong and sometimes you are bogged down by circumstances. But if you have these 3 accomplishments, you are moving in a right […]
Read MoreMobile Apps, an efficient marketing medium
With the penetration of smartphones going deep across the country, the utility of Mobile Applications for businesses is on the rise. Different surveys suggest that on account of affordability and easier data-access from handsets, India will have more than 180 million Smartphones by 2019, nearly 13.5 % of the global Smartphone-markets. Our online interactions have got […]
Read MoreA matching corporate wear reflects commitment to organization & work
There is an old saying, ‘Dress the way you want to be addressed’, how apt it is! We must dress in sync with ambience, occasion or the culture of the place where we reside, visit or work. Your corporate wear also must match to your work-place’s culture, ethos and ambience. Your corporate wear reflects your […]
Read More3 flaws can be outlined in Blue Ocean Strategy
Business-landscape around the world got empowered in 2015 when Blue Ocean rose on the horizon as an enlightening business-strategy. Firms and entrepreneurs found a new way to achieve high-margin profit-growth and that too, without the market-competition. Innovations and inventive thinking became the primary assets for a business to excel. But over a period of time, […]
Read MoreBlue Ocean revolves around innovation
A book namely Blue Ocean Strategy, written by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne, came out of publication in 2005 and added a new dimension to strategy-structure of business-world. Businesses don’t need to tackle competitors, they can create own space of demands in the market. This new unchallenged market-space carved on the better or different quality of […]
Read MoreDisruption gaining momentum in corporate circles
Disruption has become a much-discussed word today in corporate-corridors. In fact, Professor Clayton Christensen gave a new meaning to the word with innovation being the underpinning connotation. According to him, disruption signifies any innovation that makes products or processes easier and simpler with a greater degree of affordability. When you have proper engagement with your […]
Read More3 tips to make one-on-one-meetings with your staff more effective
Schedules in corporate circles are always replete with meetings and seminars. These meetings definitely bring significant decisions for businesses. Even one-on-one-meetings also have had a prime importance in the corporate-world. One-on-one-meetings are special, brief and more enlightening. Your co-workers candidly open up about the problems and hindrances in your organization. More often than not, that […]
Read MoreAppreciation-events motivate your employees
Humans have this intrinsic yearning for recognition. Recognition boosts anyone to achieve greater things in life and profession. That’s why it’s very necessary to have a mechanism in place at your organization where appreciation for good work is ingrained in its culture. A certificate, a memento, raise in salary or promotions can do wonders for […]
Read More6 tips to extract maximum productivity from your co-workers
When your employees are satisfied at your company, they contribute with their full potential. In fact, your co-workers are the most important asset of your business. Investments, revenue, products, services and other elements may have their importance, but it is the human resource working at your place which ideates, innovates and executes different plans to take […]
Read More3 tips to elevate efficacy of office-meetings
Official meetings are an avenue to construct employee-engagement. Instead of one-on-one, you talk to many co-workers instantly. But these meetings should not become a perfunctory part of your work. They must be effective in finding solutions and reaching to different decisions. You can instill some routine-tasks in your mechanism to make these meetings more and […]
Read More4 direct benefits of regular interaction with employees
Performance-assessment or supervision of performance of your employees must be embedded in your system seamlessly. Making official assessment of their performances on intermittent basis is well and good, but having a regular interaction with them to gauge their normal progress works wonders for you. They work daily, they can deliver results daily and they can […]
Read MoreNew entrants must be absorbed into work seamlessly
Adjustment to an office’s culture is a complete process for an employee. This process has so many different aspects. Every organization has different sets of rules and regulations and completely different corporate culture. Some offices follow some orientation-programmes and some others recruit specialized HR-people to smoothen the process for new entrants. An organization’s activities and […]
Read MoreEmployees’ personal aspirations must merge with an organization’s aims
Aims and objectives define an organization. Its vision, mission, values and future, everything is encapsulated in its definitive aims and objectives. Every organization or company locates its purpose of work in its aims and objectives. Your team-members must have a strict adherence to your organization’s goals. Their personal ambitions and aspirations must have a reflection […]
Read More3 suggestions to infuse bonding in your team
The success of any organization or company is heavily dependent on the people working there. As an entrepreneur, you are as good as your team. Cohesiveness among your team-members is a must to help you achieve business-goals. But team-building is an art and you can only have your staff-members working as a team when you […]
Read More3 instructions to hire passionate employees
Skilled, accomplished and proficient employees are a great asset for any organization. Similarly, passionate employees are equally an enormous possession to have. And so, finding passionate employees also becomes quite a task. You may have some solutions in your mind: 1. Define company’s profile plainly: You must advertise you company’s profile clearly so that every prospective […]
Read MorePassionate people possess constant motivational drive
People who look for work which utilizes their skills are passionate about their skills. When they find work for them matching to their respective skills, they get engaged to their respective works also with same fervour. They become so passionate about their assignments that their output always becomes heavier than that of others. These people […]
Read More4 tricks for a leader to extract results from his team
A team-leader in a corporate set-up is a vital cog in the whole mechanism. Sure, leaders are as successful as their team-members. But if the leader is efficient, he carves his team into a successful unit. An efficient leader knows how to infuse motivation among his team-members and extract results from them. He may have […]
Read MoreUnwavering resolve: A mantra for entrepreneurship
You are never away from your inner self. When you pick up the gauntlet to do a business, it is just an extension of your personality. So, your business normally becomes a personal experience for you, which goes through numerous phases. Success or failure of a move, campaign being hit or a flop, promotional tools […]
Read MoreListening is an art
Listening is an art When we listen to something, we are usually engaged in passive listening—we anticipate our brains to pick up on the key aspects and retain them later. However, active listening is a critical ability for effective communication. It takes practice to become a better listener, but it will improve your ability to […]
Read More5 points to remember in making Lateral Hiring
Lateral Recruitment is a regular phenomenon in various corporate circles. In this new age, when market-driven strategies rule the roost and different kinds of expertise have emerged, Lateral Hiring brings immediate solutions for organizations. But you must bear certain points in mind while making Lateral Hiring for your business: 1. You should always frame interviews […]
Read More6 situations define your clients’ satisfaction
If your clients are satisfied with your services or products, it means your business is in good health. Client-satisfaction undoubtedly reflects the scale of success your business has achieved. But it is very difficult to assess the depth of this satisfaction. One better option and clients get away from you. A fully satisfied customer rarely […]
Read MoreEntrepreneurship is all about perseverance
An entrepreneur has to be a diligent go-getter. His resolve must be rooted in his vision. He must draw his deep commitment from his mission. And his resolve and commitment, both, are reflected in and sustained by a definitive perseverance. Entrepreneurship is all about a regulated set of activities, steadiness and determination. You can’t and […]
Read MoreEvery start-up has an intriguing narrative
As Rikant was studying in Kurukshetra University, he was working as well, but without informing his father about his simultaneous job. Soon after, he also started up Duke Travels up in arms with his brother Nishant, a co-founder of EaseMyTrip. Rikant started aggressive marketing right at the inception and transported his offering on bulk SMS-mode. Bulk […]
Read MoreA start-up is a result of a series of events
Though start-up ecosystem these days is getting conducive in our country, yet places like Aurangabad in Maharashtra are still far from being in mainstream. Where and when Sachin Kate lived in Aurangabad, proper schooling did not exist there. He had to leave the area to a place where he attended school properly. Sustenance was always an […]
Read MoreClient-trust equals to brand
Businesses have a natural course which takes them to grab right choices at right time. You just have to have that subtle sense, specific to your business which assists you in grabbing that moment. That one moment is the most appropriate to carve the change, decide the level of quality, pick aptly skilled workers and […]
Read MoreRejections can result in a successful commercial saga
For most of the people rejection gives disappointment, but for some it bolsters confidence. Winners don’t take negative responses seriously; they take them to reinforce their conviction in their belief and understanding. Had they taken these rejections seriously, they would have stopped somewhere and not become the icons they became. Colonel Hartland Sanders bore more […]
Read MoreA sarcasm and Lamborghini was born
A small idea bears a big capacity inside. A man perceives or visualizes many ideas in his life-time, not all of them click, but if any of them does, it turns into a huge business or great accomplishment in some other arena. The key does not lie in one specific idea getting clicked, but it […]
Read MoreFedEx has carved its way to top
Success of a business has many variables. When all its components fall in place, then only you can expect positive results. But businesses never get established in jiffy, it takes years to get to the top. When you go through the stories of successful businessmen, you get to know so many intriguing aspects which made […]
Read More5 attributes you don’t want to be successful
Successful people stick to some common habits. Successful people have some unique characteristics in common. If you observe a bunch of successful people deeply, you will find one more thing generic, they keep away from some behavioural traits. Unquestioning attitude: If you scan through a list of successful people representing even different fields, you will […]
Read More4 suggestions to make your team more effective
Team-effort is something every organization aspires for. Corporate circles are always engaged in coming up with newer methodologies to construct solid teams assigned for specific tasks. A collective acumen of team-members is constantly more effective than the effort of two or three people working separately, more so in preparing presentations. When working on a presentation, […]
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