Base your PPT on expected queries of audiences

PPT is all about expecting what your audiences would want to know, how they would want to know or how much they would want to know. You imagine their queries about your project, products or services and then shape the contents with the help of different features and ingredients.

When you know your target-audiences, you can foresee their difficulties and requirements. You can frame their imminent questions and weave their respective answers in the PPT. So, the real creativity revolves around thinking out the coming queries. Designing, images, word-content, everything comes after that. Imagining your prospective clients’ needs during the PPT is not a one man’s job; it’s a team-task. Every member of your team can have different inputs and you have to amalgamate all of those and then accordingly prepare the presentation.

If to your audiences, your PPT does create an impression that it was tailor-made for them only, your PPT would make an impact for sure. If the facts and figures, graphics and supporting images lead them to think that they are theirs, you more often than not are going to be successful. When you satisfy their curiosity by anticipating it, the details of the presentation make a sudden connect with them. This connect is what generates business for you.

So, before starting to design your PPT or look for a specialist designer, try to get into the skin of your target-audiences! Try to know them deeply since when you know them well, you would be able to come up with questions they may have in their minds during and after the presentation! Build your PPT around those questions with the specific answers woven in the fascinating PPT-features and you would find them making Call-of-Actions sooner than later!