The generation of a lead in the business-process is not the finishing act, it never means the finalized deal, it only signifies the start of a prospective business. A generated lead matures over time with the constancy in the effort. So, after their generation, Leads need to be handled properly with a precise process of Lead Management. This is this Lead-management that helps your staff to make a differentiation between Hot Leads and normal Leads. Hot Leads are worked upon and normal Leads are nurtured. Now Lead Nurturing happens to be a vital component in the whole mechanism of your sales and marketing effort. Hot Leads are the Leads which are on the verge to be converted into business, but normal Leads, which generally outnumber the Hot Leads in any company, need proper care and if cared properly, they convert into business as well after a gradual but sure process of nurturing. Accurate mechanism is the key in nurturing the Leads as sometimes a big percentage converts in the end. Simply put, Lead Nurturing denotes a journey of a client from not being ready to becoming ready for business with you. In this intervening period, you build a trust in him for your products or services, you let him know your business-module and you share all the pertinent information with him in a client-centric manner. You and your staff explore your prospective client that which kind of information he needs to make a buying decision. Engagement and maintenance of relationship with all the Leads is the core of the Lead Nurturing. An evolved programme in the system works well for it. And ShowToClients, a portal entirely dedicated to corporate presentations and videos, contains an in-built Lead Nurturing Panel which helps you take care of your Leads in a goal-oriented manner.